If you wish to contribute to the NZBDR, please contact the administrator to gain access to the registry. You will need to complete and return the User Request Form. You can download a copy of the NZBDR User Request Form here.
Once approved, you will then be able to log in using your MyHealthAccount Workforce log in.
Data should be collected at the time of surgery but can be entered anytime thereafter. You can download a copy of the NZBDR Data Collection Form here.
Data entry is the responsibility of the operating surgeon but may be delegated (eg. to their clinic nurse or registrar). The NZBDR staff do not undertake data entry for the surgeons.
Data entry can be performed via laptop, tablet or phone at the time of surgery or some time afterwards. The NZBDR has AI-powered image capture for device stickers to facilitate swift data entry, so using a device with an integrated camera will make data entry easier.
The NZBDR is an opt-out registry, which means that patients do not need to give individual consent prior to their data being entered into the registry.
The NZBDR holds information regarding the use of all implantable breast devices including prostheses and meshes, related procedures and complications. Breast device registries are considered an international standard of care. Without a national registry, there is no system for passing on guardianship of any data when a practitioner retires. Over the last 20 years, there have been four major product recalls related to implantable breast devices associated with patient risk in New Zealand, but no simple way to identify the women affected.
There any many good reasons to contribute to the NZBDR, key amongst them being that you will be contributing to efforts to improve patient safety. As well as this, other benefits include:
- Entering your patients' information into the NZBDR will allow you to track your patients and the devices you insert,
- It provides your patients with peace of mind with regards to any future recalls of devices,
- You can claim Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points for participating in the registry,
- You may display the NZBDR logo at your practice and/or on your website to demonstrate that you (or your practice) are contributing to the NZBDR.
The New Zealand Breast Device Registry: Te Rehita Tapatapu Uma o Aotearoa operates in compliance with our ethics approval provided by the Health and Disability Ethics Committee (HDEC), as well as the Privacy Act 2020, the Health Information Privacy Code and the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi / Māori data sovereignty.
To request data for research purposes, you will need to complete and submit the NZBDR Data Request Form. You can download a copy of this form here.
Where required, Locality or HDEC ethical approval for the research must be granted prior to requesting data from the NZBDR. Please include a copy of the ethical approval form with your completed data request form. All data requests for research purposes are reviewed by the NZBDR Clinical Advisory Board for approval before release. Only de-identified data is released.